Tuesday 30 September 2014

First Step

Today is September 29 and it snowed.  Not the kind of snow the teases you into thinking that it is time to bring out the knitted mittens and buffalo check boots.  Not even the kind of snow that makes you dream of sitting by a cozy fire drinking hot chocolate with friends and family.  Today it snowed branch-breaking, accident causing, fingertip-numbing snow, and I think it is going to stay.

I searched Teaching English as a Second Language courses and e-mailed my brother who currently teaches english in Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia doesn't have snow, but they do have too many rules for me, and a highly restrictive dress-code, I doubt I could live there.  I asked if he thought we could start our own TESL company?  It may be a pipe-dream at this time, but let's check back in 365 days and see where this thought takes me.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  Lao-tzu.
This is my first step, wish me luck.